Saturday, September 14, 2013

From Behind Battlers

One of my biggest pet peeves about Rpg Maker XP is the awkward in-battle characters that take up so much space on the battle field, they crowd the enemies!

But someone on the First Seed Material boards created a set of battlers that face the enemy! Reminiscent of Phantasy Star's in-battle character graphics, these battlers can be seen from behind to make a much more atheistically pleasing look to your battles.

All of the battlers are contained in a zipfile on the bottom of the original post. Visit the link here:
Edit: First Seed Material is gone.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rpg Maker DS Charsets for VX

This next site is a blog that mostly features remakes of the rpg maker ds rtp charsets in rpg maker vx. There's a ton of content here dating all the way back to 2010, so have a gander. You will probably find something useful.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Final Fantasy Villains in the Style of DQ Monsters

Today i've compiled a little set of monster graphics I pulled off of pixiv and converted for use in RPG Maker. They're Final Fantasy villains done in the style of Dragon Quest Monsters! This includes, Kefka, Zemus, Gilgamesh, Golbez, Garland, and the Four Elemental Kings. They're very good edits and definitely match the dragon quest style.

Download Here:

Edit: Hotfile is gone, I don't have these saved anywhere sorry :<